International Sanskrit Conference 4

The Great Men can not be Heritage of any Society – Sri Bedilji

While addressing the International Sanskrit Conference, organized by Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Sri Bedilji said – The present Jaded and turbulent situation of the world become same way, as was the changing age of the Dwapara to Kali. The Religion and religious institutions are destroying, in lack of knowledge of Sanskrit and culture, contemplation and proper thinking, are waned, Deformation has occurred and perverts the turbulent world.

Such at the time from order of Maharishi Garg, Shri Agrasen ji had the task of preacher to installation of re human religion in world The same task – today have to do for all we and you.

Sri Bedilji said – that any Great Men cannot be Heritage of any Society. History declared to Agrasen as a leader of a community (Kulpurus) of a society, and history was put away from the periphery. Due to grace of Saints and Risis this prehistoric and divine epic is on the vision of the world.

The unique format of this text you are viewing in as much as This wonderful and divine story of Shri Agrasen.

For the creation of the New World, On the path of Shri Agrasen- universal welfare is Religion (Sarva lōkahitaṁ dharmaṁ) to motivate the entire human society is the responsibility of all the scholars and mystics. You all are welcome on this movement.