Section 3. Membership

A) Eligibility of Membership : –

(a) Any Indian or NRI, Male or Female, Who keeps faith in the ideals of Shri Agrasen and desire to live and keeps them, whose age is 18 years old, may be a member of Agravshwa Trust under the legislation.

(b) Under the legislation of the Trust – Any Family, Society, Firm, Organization, Company, Cooperative Society Trust, or it’s branch will be eligible, to be a member of the Agravishwa Trust and can appoint its own representative.

B) Classification of the Members and Fees: –

  1. Lifetime dedicated Member :- The Person, Family or Organization Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. Five Lakh will be the Lifetime dedicated member of the Trust.
  2. Lifetime Patron Member :- The Person, Family or Organization Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. Two Lakhs and Fifty one thousands will be the Life Patron Member of the Trust.
  3. Lifetime Co-Patron Member :- The Person, Family or Organization Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. One Lakh will be the Life Co-Patron Member of the Trust.
  4. Lifetime Specific Member :- The Person, Family or Organization Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. Fifty one thousand will be the Lifetime Specific Member of the Trust.
  5. Lifetime Active Member :- The Person, Family or Organization Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. Twenty one thousand will be the Lifetime Active Member of the Trust.
  6. Lifetime Associate Member:- The Person, Family or Organization Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. Eleven thousand will be the Lifetime Associate Member of the Trust.
  7. Lifetime Recognized Member :- Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. Five thousand and one hundred will be the Lifetime Recognized Member of the Trust.
  8. Lifetime Member :- Who will subscribe in the Trust Fund Rs. One thousand and one hundred will be the Lifetime Member of the Trust.
  9. Honorary Members: – Distinguished scholar, Dedicated social worker, Journalist, Writer, and others whose contributions appears to be eminent in the Trust’s Aims and objectives. such esteemed individuals, will be made ​an Honorary member of the trust. Honorary members will not be charged any kind.